Bar Chart

Interactive Bar Chart (Compare Countries of the World) using JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by nostradamus1566 on
Introduction This is a JavaScript Web Application project source code that will help you learn or understand how to create a chart report with options to dynamically update the chart data. This can be useful for some web applications feature such as analytical or statistical reports. About the project This project is about allowing the user to make a selection of 8 countries from a list of over

Bar Chart using ChartJS, AngularJS and PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a Bar Chart in Angular JS using Chart JS with PHP/MySQLi. Chart JS is javascript library that provides chart presentation of data with the help of html5 canvas. We will use PHP/MySQLi to fetch data from our MySQL database then pass to Angular JS to process the data to our Chart JS.

Statistical Representation using Chart.js

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a statistical representation of data in MySQL Database using Chart.js with PHP to fetch data from database. In this tutorial, I'm going to show a bar chart representation of data from our database. I've also added a form that can save data to our database to practice this tutorial.

Bar Chart Plugin with jQuery

Submitted by alpha_luna on
This tutorial helps you make a Bar Chart Plugin with jQuery, I made a Chart that shows the percentage of different brands of Cellphones. I'm using jQuery and HTML/CSS to create this simple bar chart. Hope that this tutorial will help you a lot. You can also check the live demo of this simple tutorial, so you can get an idea and you can try this out, let's start coding.