
Bar Chart using ChartJS, AngularJS and PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a Bar Chart in Angular JS using Chart JS with PHP/MySQLi. Chart JS is javascript library that provides chart presentation of data with the help of html5 canvas. We will use PHP/MySQLi to fetch data from our MySQL database then pass to Angular JS to process the data to our Chart JS.

Air Pressure - High and Low Scale Calibration

Submitted by philcarlo on
This very simple program is written using VB.Net which get the High and Low scale calibration of air pressure using psi( pounds per square inch) as reference. In this version you can get the equivalent air pressure value of b( bar), kPa( kilopascal) and mbar( millibar) using psi( pounds per square inch) value.

Vertical Progress Bar Program

Submitted by TheProgrammer on
The Vertical Progress Bar Program by The Programmer (c) SunShine Soft SunShine Soft | | www[dot]tripuramail[dot]com[at]gmail[dot]com Ever wanted to create a Vertical Progress Bar? Like ever wanted to make a interactive thermometer? Or Like a Game Progress Bar that will go up as you progress in games? Or anything like that, cause in Programming the Possibilities are endless Here