
Auto Suggest Dynamic Input Tag

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will show you a Auto Suggest Dynamic Input Tag in jQuery. Most of the social media's has a input tag's fields that are commonly used. This project has a autocomplete suggestions generated from the list of JSON queries and jQuery plugins. The system works with a predefined tags in the plugin to work. And for the tags to be work the database from the AJAX will pull and the results to display in the input tags form.

How To Create Autosuggest Search Box Using JavaScript in PHP/MySQL

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create Autosuggest Search Box Using JavaScript in PHP/MySQL. This program created using JavaScript and PHP/MySQL to show you on how to use this simple program. The user typing in a search box, it will auto-suggest the value from the database table and it will display using a drop down field. Creating simple TextBox as in the image below.