
Voice Recorder App Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the Voice Recorder App, a modern and intuitive tool designed to capture audio directly from your browser. This project demonstrates the practical use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a seamless user experience for voice recording. The app features real-time voice recording, playback functionality, and a user-friendly interface, making it an ideal solution for recording notes

Play Audio (.WAV) Files in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a program that will only play audio files preferably .wav files using c#. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2.

Convert Audio File into Text in Visual Basic 2008

Submitted by janobe on
In this tutorial I will show how to convert the audio file into text by using Visual Basic 2008. This method helps you, how to recognize the content of your audio file. For instance, if the audio file cannot be heard or cannot be understood. It will be recognized, because the content of it will appear in the Box through text. Let’s begin: Open the Visual Basic 2008, create a new Windows Application and drag a RichTextBox, TextBox and the Button.

Music Player using Microsoft Multimedia Control in VB6

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this article, we will create a program that can play music using the Microsoft Multimedia Control 6.0. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1.Let's start this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0: Open Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, click Choose Standard EXE, and click Open. 2.Go to Project Tab, and Click Components or Press Ctrl+T. 3. In the Controls Tab, find and Microsoft Multimedia Control 6.0, Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6), and Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0.

Play Music in VB.NET

Submitted by donbermoy on
Music is a sound that is sung by voices or played on musical instruments. I know all of us are music lovers :) In this tutorial, we will create a program that can play a song or a music file. Now, let's start this Font Dialog tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2.