
Google To List Only Android Apps With 64-bit Support On Play Starting Aug 2019

Submitted by Ivan Ponce on
Undeniably, lots of people around the world are using Android mobile phones, tablets, and other gadgets. Thus, Google Play is the venue where most people download applications that are needed for work, school, or simply for entertainment purposes like games, photo editors, and video makers. To ensure that the Android users get apps that are of high performance and security, Google has decided to

Compilation of My Android Apps and Android Tutorials

Submitted by donbermoy on
These are the list of my Android Application and Android Tutorials that will help you in your capstone/thesis for a quick reference. Android Apps 1. Android SMS Application using Basic4Andriod Link - Password: thecreator 2. View and Display PDF Files in Android Link -

Word Scramble Game Application in Android

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is my another creation of android Games named Word Scramble Game Application, a project for students in their Mobile Development Subject. This Word Scramble Application will show a list of the words you can build from your letters; and in here it has 20 words to solve. It has also the speed of the random letters to build such as slow, medium, and fast. The game has also a timer and if the word is solved within 30 seconds then the player will win the game. Their is also the word typed upon clicking the words. It has also a button for resetting the game.

Android - Based Mobile Reservation Application

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is a thesis made by the graduating students of STI Surigao particularly the ITP, a 2-Year Course program from this prestigious school. Copy and install the MobileReservation.apk to your Android Phone and run it. This application features: - User Login - Guest Information - Add - Edit - Search - Delete - Banquet Information - Add - Edit - Search - Delete - Banquet Monitoring - Availability of

Ethan Duggan: 12-Year-Old Self-Taught Coder to Speak in SXSW Vegas

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
A 12-year-old Ethan Duggan made a name for himself after his successful achievement as a programmer at an early age of 11-years-old even without the formal study on programming. He was named as one of the speaker in SXSW Vegas together with his father Rick Duggan. According to an article from VentureBeat, Ethan learned to code at an early age of 11 through online training at Ethan