Android SMS

Mobile SMS Using ActionScript 3.0

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will create a Mobile SMS Application in ActionScript 3.0. This application is very useful for the android developers, the application create a message from the field and generate a group of contacts using drop-down from the database. This Mobile SMS application relies to the users mobile data to access or to send a message in every contacts.

Android SMS Application using Basic4Andriod

Submitted by donbermoy on
Just my simple SMS Application on Android created using Basic4Android. Simple but functional to send message to your phone. If you want the full code, please add and follow me in Facebook and then pm me. Best regards, Engr. Lyndon R. Bermoy IT Instructor/Software Developer/Mobile Developer 09126450702 [email protected]

Simple Messaging in Android ( SMS Sending and Receiving)

Submitted by jaysfall on
Hi there!This is my Simple SMS Sending and Receiving in Android Programming and will be the very first ever program in android posted here. Anyway, Talking about this application and the source-code . I developed this using Basic4Android ( the simplest and most powerful Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool available for the Android platform . I must say as a .Net Developer Basic4android is a good tools for Android and I'm loving it. So you should try this software first. ) The .zip file includes the full Source-code and the output ( .apk application file ), so that it.