Alert Box

Alert Dialog Box using CSS and jQuery

Submitted by alpha_luna on

Alert Dialog Box using CSS and jQuery

We are going to create another Alert Dialog Box using CSS and jQuery. The alert window is very common to us and it’s a useful thing for the web page projects. This tutorial use for displaying messages in the web browser and the other browser have their default alert window but in our case, we are going to custom the alert dialog box. This tutorial helps you to create a custom alert window pop up on your web page.

Confirmation Alert Box using JavaScript

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this article, we are going to create Confirmation Alert Box using JavaScript. You can use this simple script source code to give any confirmation to the user or the admin whether delete, accept, add, view, or etc. This simple article usually used for deleting or confirming information to your systems or websites. This is a simple source code.

Notification Box in CSS - #1 HTML & PHP

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This tutorial is on how to make a notification box for your website. This is the first of two parts, in which we will be creating the HTML and setting the messages.

Notification Box?

When I say a notification box, I mean one of those smooth and sliding information boxes which sometimes appear under certain circumstances on a website at the top of the page. Normally stating that the web page uses 'cookies'.


First we want to create the HTML for our page.