Ajax Tutorial

Live Form Validation using PHP and Ajax Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on


In this tutorial, I will show you how to Create Live Form Validation using PHP and Ajax. You will learn the effective way of validating the input field value of a certain form in your web application. The tutorial aims to provide the students and new programmers a reference for learning and enhancing their programming capabilities using PHP Language and jQuery Library. Here, snippets and sample source code will be provided to have a better understanding of the scripts.

Populating Table From JSON File using jQuery and Ajax Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on

In this tutorial, we will tackle about how to Populate HTML Table from JSON File using jQuery and Ajax. This tutorial will teach to populate tables from JSON data using asynchronous HTTP (Ajax) requests. This technique can optimize your application page load by loading the data only when the page or document is ready. You can also refresh or reload the table row items without leaving the page.