Classroom Management System In PHP
Submitted by JhemhaiixD on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - 23:54.
Classroom Management System is commonly used by the teachers to ensures that classroom lessons run smoothly. This system allows users to upload documents in word, excel or power point format and images also. Teachers can also post quizzes and can be take by the students if they're already registered to the system.
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Please upload a healthly file
Please upload a healthly file, keep me posted via [email protected].
Am looking forward to it
[email protected] please
[email protected] please send sourcecode not currepted to this mail id [email protected]
the code is currupted
I couldn't extract the contents so please send the source code to [email protected] i'm in very much need of it
please do send the healthy
please do send the healthy file. i need this system as reference for my project. thank you. send it here. [email protected]
Good morning, please can sende me this project, the project in l
Good morning, please can sende me this project, the project in link is corrupedoo
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