Online Exam system
Submitted by solotob on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 - 08:26.
Hello everyone, this is an online examination system that can be used to test student. User login without registering and complete the test within the stipulated time.
The admin: admin
password: dlcf
Hope you will enjoy it.
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answer to your question
1. Create a database name: dlcf
2. Import the sql file which is in the sql directory.
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giving warning when click on next button
Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource
i could not find jamb number,
i could not find jamb number, or
could not log in user name: admin and password: dlcf
Admin & User login
Dear sir,
admin and user table are not available in database. please provied complete database file.
i try to login but nothing
i try to login but nothing happens after registering lamb_number. when i try to modify it, i found out that your jquery.js is the reason why i can't go on exam page. but still it doesn't work at all.. what should i do?
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