Online Exam system

Hello everyone, this is an online examination system that can be used to test student. User login without registering and complete the test within the stipulated time. The admin: admin password: dlcf Hope you will enjoy it.

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mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, how to solve this thanks good work man.

Dear sir,
admin and user table are not available in database. please provied complete database file.

i try to login but nothing happens after registering lamb_number. when i try to modify it, i found out that your jquery.js is the reason why i can't go on exam page. but still it doesn't work at all.. what should i do?

Hi everyone, am really sorry, i loaded the wrong database for the work i will load the correct one as soon as possible.

Thanks for your consideration.

In reply to by Solomon Oluwatobi (not verified)

please send me the database to my email [email protected]

nice very much that include the whole thing is very nice

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