Sort Table Column in PHP/MySQL

Hi Guys, In this source code you will learn on how to query a data from MySQL and sort it using a ComboBox. The data is sorted according to its item type, that is, either RIS or ARE. You may also wish to see my other code on how to sort the row directly using a column. Database name:item.sql in db folder.

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Jkev, Please add pagination to this script. i really really appreciate your work and will appreciate it more if you can add pagination to this script.

Jkev, I really really appreciate your code. You are a very good php programmer and i can say ypu are one of the best. Please add pagination to this sort script. I will greately appreciate if you can add pagination to this script and send to me email at [email protected]

hi jkev i'm building a small application of a microfinance using jquery,php,and mysql .they want to see balances of client,when they make deposit or withdrawal.i want to know the easier form to make calcul and to get it displayed automatically on my can send me a request on my facebook for more discussion avell de saint claire or my mail [email protected]

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