Currency Exchange System Using PHP/MySQL

Hi everyone, this code is created in order to help other in creating there own currency exchange system using php. The feature of this code is, it has two user the counter and the admin, it has user restriction. The admin has a capacity to change currency rate, register user view, edit delete bank account. The admin also has a capacity to give permission to the counter to change the rate of specific transaction. Try and download his code to view other feature that is not mention above, hope this code will help to you guys, thank you. database name: liveedit admin username:admin admin password:admin Note: the database is included in the zip file

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hey dude, its a pleasure to be one of your follower...May I ask your permission if its ok to you that I will fork your Currency Exchange System on my GitHub Repo...Email me at [email protected] Github account: " "..Thanks in advance

I need a documentation for this currency exchange project in php

this is a good app but since php7.0 mysql_connect is no longer usable, so i am unable to use it as it is, but i will be looking into making a copy of this but updated

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