Employee Attendance Record System using PHP
The Employee Attendance Record System is a simple project using PHP. This project developed using PHP, HTML5, CSS and JavaScript ( jQuery/ Ajax ). This project could help you if you are starting an HRIS or a Payroll System. In this project, you will learn how do Biometrics System works. I used bootstrap packages for the design in this project [ https://getbootstrap.com/ ].
About the Project
The Employee Attendance Record System is a simple project which allows to track and store the employees' time log for a specific company. This project has two sides of user pages, one is the Administrator page which is where all the data and functionalities of the project will be found and be operated except for logging the time records of the employee and the one is the client page which where employees log their daily time records.
Features of the Project
Admin Side
- Login Page - On this page, allows admin users to log in their credentials to access the administrative side of the system. This feature helps to secure the data of the system.
- Home Page - A page where users will be first redirected after they logged in their credentials.
- Employee Page - On this page, all employees and their details are listed and also where can administrator can add, update, and delete an employee and their details.
- Attendance Page - This is where the employees' time logged is being listed. At this page, the administrator can only delete the employee if any instances may occur.
- Users Page - On this page, all administrators that can access the admin side of the system are listed and can be managed such as adding a new administrator, updating and deleting the administrator data.
- Time Log Page - This is where the employees will log their daily time records.
How to run the project
- First, download the source code and extract the zip file .
- Second, download or setup any local web server that can run PHP script in your computer. ex.( XAMPP [Note: extract or copy the extracted file to the htdocs folder located at the XAMPP file location])
- Third, open your database web server and create a new database name it attendance.
- Fourth, import the attendance.sql file located at the database folder of the extracted source code file.
- Fifth, make sure the source code is located where your web server accessing your web applications.
- Last, open a web browser ex.(Chrome, Safari) and browse the application. ex.( http://localhost/employee-attendance-record-system )
And that's it, the Employee Attendance Record System is ready to use. If you still can't access the application, try to follow the steps again or see any tutorial on how to set up a PHP project using your local web sever.
The default page of the system will be the Time Log Page. To access the administrator side of the application, add /admin/index.php in your URL.
For example
[ http://localhost/employee-attendance-record-system/admin/index.php ]
[ http://localhost/employee-attendance-record-system/admin/]
Admin Default Access:
Username: admin
And if you want to access again the client-side page, just browse the root path of the application.
For example
[ http://localhost/employee-attendance-record-system/ ]
[ http://localhost/employee-attendance-record-system/index.php ]
I hope this project will help you. For more projects and tutorials, feel free to explore this website.
Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
mysqli_error() expects…
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli…
error message solution
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go to the admin folder and…
Employee Attendance Record System using PHP
Honestly, you did a great…
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