Pharmacy/Chemist POS and Invoicing Software

Pharmacy POS /Chemist Management System allows User to sell medicine , Over the counter or at any Hospital, Easily Integrated with Email to SEND invoices and Print Receipt. This is one of my very best Project i Decided to Share with you Guys Dashboard Image Pos Image Login Panel img src="" /> FEATURES 1. Point of Sale (POS) and Invoicing 2. Transaction Management 3. Diffrent methods of Payments 4. Email Intergration 5. Transaction Reversal 6. Customer Balances 7. Purchase Management 8. Medicine Management

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sub_menu_purchases.vb, sub_menu_reports.vb, sub_menu_suppliers.vb, SuperGlobals.vb, system_settings_form.vb

system.exe file missing. please check it sir. thanks

Hello .exe file is missing here. Please kindly upload it back again. Thank you

Some files are missing.. please resend sourcode file.

please ca you help me with the complete code for this work, there are some missing components sir. please send to [email protected] I appreciate in anticipation. elias

sub_menu_purchases.vb, sub_menu_reports.vb, sub_menu_suppliers.vb, SuperGlobals.vb, system_settings_form.vb

pls send me complete code

files no found sub_menu_purchases.vb, sub_menu_reports.vb, sub_menu_suppliers.vb, SuperGlobals.vb, system_settings_form.vb Please mail me the full code at [email protected]

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