Microsoft Access
LIFE MultiMedia Church database
Submitted by
KEM827 on Monday, November 2, 2009 - 03:35.
See MS Access 2007 version "
Enables tracking of unlimited media types - CD, VHS, DVD, mp3 - for sermon or motivational messages. Uses parent-child record relationships to link single messages to Series, and Series to Collections. Children do not have to be of the same multimedia type.
Messages are tabled separate from media type - enabling the same message to occur on multiple media types. A Table defines media types, enabling unlimited types of media.
Messages are coded based upon Subject category, Speaker code, Year and Speaker message#.
Labels may be customized and selectable based upon media types.
Not much documentation. Some changes were made after original help file was created. (Tool-bars are used for database functionally - not menu-driven anymore).
Written for MS Access 97. Code needs some updates for newer versions. , but could still be very useful. I welcome anyone to update, improve and re-upload this code for any version of MS Access.
Includes: Label Saver v97.30 from Peter's Software, http://www.peterssoftware.com. Label Saver allows users to specify a starting label position and a number of copies via input boxes when printing labels
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