ABC Video Rental's System

Hi there thank you for visiting this site. About this code I called it ABC Video Rentals System written in MS Access . It is a simple applications that will solve common problems in video rentals in their day to day transactions. If you find my work useful send me an email at

[email protected]

. People here in the Philippines that would like to contact me can reach in my mobile phone number 09296768375 and my telephone number at home +63 (034) 4335081 . Thank you very much and Happy Programming. Regards, Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED-Instructional Technology Programmer, Teacher, Computer Technician

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Hi, i have downloaded the code, i have an assignment about dvd rental shop, as I see pretty much same... Except the genres. What if we need to add more than one tags to the catagory (genre)...

hey i have a c++ video rental system but i want you to exchange my program video rental system in vb6.0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

pls i need by java code

1. 1. #include 2. #include 3. #include 4. using namespace std; 5. class Video 6. { 7. 8. private: 9. string Title; 10. string Director; 11. int Year; 12. string Actors; 13. 14. public: 15. Video(string title,string director,int year,string actors) 16. { 17. SetVideo(title,director,year,actors); 18. 19. } 20. void SetVideo(string title,string director,int year,string actors) 21. { 22. Title=title; 23. Director=director; 24. Year=year; 25. Year=(year=0 && year2007) ? year:1900; 26. Actors=actors; 27. 28. } 29. void GetVideo() 30. { 31. cout<<"\n" 32. <<Director<<"\n" 33. <<Year<<"\n" 34. <<Actors<<"\n\n"; 35. 36. } 37. void display() 38. { 39. 40. string title,director,actors,name; 41. int year,loop,option; 42. cout<<"\t\t"<<"VODASHOP MOVIE RENTAL"<<"\n\n"; 43. cout<<"How many movies to store in the system?:"; 44. cin>>loop; 45. cout<<endl; 46. cin.get(); 47. 48. for(int x=0;x<loop;x++) 49. { 50. cout<<"movie information :\n\n"; 51. cout<<"Title:"; 52. getline(cin,title); 53. cin.get(); 54. cout<<"Director:"; 55. cin.get(); 56. getline(cin,director); 57. cout<<"Year produced:"; 58. cin>>year; 59. cout<<endl; 60. cin.get(); 61. cout<<"HOW many actors in this movie?:"; 62. cin>>option; 63. cin.get(); 64. cout<<endl; 65. for(int y=0;y<option;y++) 66. 67. { 68. 69. cout<<"Actor:"; 70. getline(cin,actors); 71. cout<<"\n"; 72. SetVideo(title,director,year,actors); 73. 74. } 75. 76. cout<<endl; 77. 78. 79. 80. } 81. int total=loop; 82. cout<<"There is :"<<loop<<"\n"<<"Movies in the system\n"; 83. actors=actors; 84. 85. } 86. 87. 88. }; 89. class Customer 90. { 91. private: 92. string Id; 93. string Name; 94. string Address; 95. 96. public: 97. Customer(string id,string name,string address) 98. { 99. SetInfo(id,name,address); 100. } 101. void SetInfo(string id,string name,string address) 102. { 103. Id=id; 104. Id=13; 105. Name=name; 106. Address=address; 107. 108. } 109. void GetInfo() 110. { 111. cout<<Id<<"\n" 112. <<Name<<"\n" 113. <<Address<<"\n\n"; 114. } 115. void display() 116. { 117. 118. string id,name,address; 119. int number; 120. cout<<"PLEASE ENTER THE CLIENT'S DETAILS:\n\n"; 121. cout<<"ID:"; 122. getline(cin,id); 123. cout<<"Name:"; 124. cin.get(); 125. getline(cin,name); 126. cout<<"Address:"; 127. cin.get(); 128. getline(cin,address); 129. cout<<"how many movies to rent to this customers?The maximum is two:"; 130. cin>>number; 131. while(number<0 && number>2) 132. { 133. cout<<"enter number of movies:"; 134. cin>>number; 135. } 136. cout<<endl; 137. cout<<"The movies you entered is/are:\n\n"; 138. 139. 140. } 141. }; 142. 143. 144. void MenuAndGet(int); 145. 146. int main() 147. { 148. 149. 150. Video myvideo("0","0",0,"0"); 151. Customer myclient("0","0","0"); 152. 153. return 0; 154. } 155. 156. void MenuAngGet() 157. { 158. cout<<"Please choose the correct option below\n"; 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. }

i have downloade the code,i have an assignment about vido rentel system plese now?

looking for tips

i need help for my video rental system in school..... it is about c++

good day.. we nid 2 create a program in visual basic language..nd it is all about video rental system

hi,, sir can i ask your help pls.. i have given a project from our instructor in programming, it is a video rental system and i dont know how to do it..pls help me.. thanx

Hello Mr. Jaker, Do you happen to have the source code in Java for rental video.. possible to upload in [email protected], Thanks in advance!!

plz.sent me the pawnshop system.i really need it in school.....this is my mail [email protected],god bless..

I really need your assistance on a project concerning a video lending system.

hi sir i really need ur assistance in making video rental system

sir, could you help me with my video rental system using the MySql SERVER

i need source code of movie rental system

i need help about video rental system in object oriented programming plz sir reply

it is an awesome system but how can we get the source code please?

please send to me if you have another type of film or movie or video rental by c++ poject that can add film,delete and so on

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