Water Refilling Station POS v1.24
Submitted by nhior on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 - 23:54.
Water Refilling StationP – Premium
Full details at
- POINT OF SALE – Monitor your daily sales, credits and collections
- ASSETS TRACKING – Track your gallons
- CASH FLOW – Monitor your Sales versus Expenses daily using this report
- ROI MONITORING – Monitor your Return of Investment
- STAFF ATTENDANCE – Log your staff attendance
- PAYROLL SYSTEM – Generate Pay Slip
- USERS PRIVILAGE – Control your staff users
- EXPENSES MONITORING – Importatant to monitor your daily expenses to help your business goal
- GENERATE REPORTS – Reports tells your your business performance
- COLLECTIBLE OPTION – Convert to collectible your unpaid orders
- ASSIGN DELIVERY – Call any Driver and assign the Order using SMS or Email
- ADD PROMO – Create Promo
- LOYALTY POINTS – Love your customer and make happy every day
- CONSUMABLE INVENTORY SYSTEM – Enter all your consumable products
- SMS Or EMAIL NOTIFICATION – Optional Features
- DRIVER COMMISSION – This features automatic compute the commssion of the driver
- SEND EMAIL – You can send email to your customers, send reports via email
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User and Password
User: admin
Password: admin
that user is for admin you can create another user
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