ASP.NET Loops and Arrays

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial I will teach you how to make a loop statement and arrays in ASP.NET.


For Loops For Each Loops While Loops Arrays

Source Code

For Loops If you need to run the same statements repeatedly, you can make a program that loop. If you know how many times you want to loop, you can use a for loop.

Use Grid To Show Listing Reports

Submitted by shiundu on
How sweet is it to change the presentation of reports?,Its getting boring to create all the reports on crystal report including the listing reports , we take much of our time designing on crystal report .One there is challenge of columns not fitting,second the issue of fonts,third is the formulas and the sucking bit is downloading crystal report itself. Imagine how easy it would be to have a

My School Direct

Submitted by akora4 on
High School Portal system developed with ASP.NET and VB.NET backed with SQL Sever . It consist of student Login for checking and printing terminal report and bills. Staff Login to manage student grading and Administrator for managing Bills. Enjoy using this source code. Wishing you lots of code thanks.

Credit Co-Operative Society Software with SMS

Submitted by sauravart on
CREDIT SOCIETY ACCOUNTING LOANS AND DEPOSITS SOFTWARE Credit Society Accounting Software is a complete software for giving credits and collection of Deposits. Software Features:- Member's Database :- Shareholders, Loans,Depositors,Pass Books, etc Member: Code, Name Address, Nominee Details Deposit: Daily, Monthly, Yearly, Fixed and Recurring Loans Category : Gold, Vehicle, Asset, Short Term &

Basic learning, Insert, Delete, Update, Advance Searching in ASP.NET

Submitted by adil09 on
Basic learning, INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE, ADVANCE SEARCHING. grid views with example. Joins example , real word. You can Add,edit,search, delete students. You can Add,edit,search, delete courses. You can Add,edit,search, delete teacher. advance search by student , teacher and course.


Submitted by shiundu on
Technology has come to birth over a period of time,soon the whole air will be filled with network and data being sent from one user to another or one family to another. Same to new developments in the world of programing ,java-script,stored-procedures,css have taken over design. Now one can develop best software s with an interactive interface using DHTMLX, Design now is only limited to developers

Matrimony Dating Website Using ASP.NET

Submitted by aminnagpure on
Matrimonial website fully coded and functional Written in 2010 using VB, and sql server Fully functional matrimonial website Members Registration(google signup) Members Search Upload/ Delete Photos Forums Vorting/Poll Text Chat (WEBRTC) Video Calling(WEBRTC) Admin Panel Moderator Panel We ourself was using this code for over 3 years There is a Readme.txt file , go throught it for