JDBC Address Book Version 1.0



About the code this is my first time to write a database driven Java application a simple address book which I called JDBC Address Book Version 1.0. My front end is Java using Swing as a graphical user interface and MS Access as my back end where I store my information. I hope this code will help anyone learn and understand database programming using Java. I learned many things while doing this application.

If you find this code very useful send me an email at [email protected]. People here in the Philippines who wish to contact me can reach me at 09296768375. Thank you very much and Happy Programming.


Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada,MAED - Instructional Technology

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Hi, what specific IDE do u use for this application? thank you very much po. God Bless.

sir i need your help.. this is the problem: compute the power of a number given the base and exponent. do three versions of the program using a while, a do-while loop, and a for loop.. im waiting for your reply.. thanx sooo much! GODBLESS!!

..Sir, jake Good day to you... ;) can i ask for help... about hotel reservation system... I am totally... devastated about it.. It's our final project in Java ..JCReator.. please help Me sir.. I need a sort... of Guest maintenance... the total reservation process..I only made the Log-in and,... i cannot come accross.. in making the transactions.. Please thankss... U can Email Me : [email protected] THANKS GOD BLESS!!!

i want the java codes for developing a Telephone billing software... cant understand how to use database properly as well... would any 1 be kind enof to help me out...

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