Basic Student Information System

This is just a basic information system/application in java.. The capability to search,add and update records is available on the program. I used the AWT package for this, so mejo friendly yung kanyang interface. I also used the MS Access for my databse and SQL for the queries. in order to run the project, You must first connect your database to the DataSources(ODBC) Instructions: 1.Open Control Panel 2 Click Administrative Tools 3.Open DataSources(ODBC) 4.Click the Add button the select Microsoft Access Driver(*mdb) the click Finish 5.On the Dialog window, fill the Data SOurce Name field with the name of the databse, and that is Students. 6.CLick the select button to browse the database 7.After browsing,click the Advanced button 8.Fill the Login name field with "anonymous" and on the Password field "guest" > Click OK > Apply > OK After that you're done. You may now open the Netbeans installed in your PC. Just run the Main Class. (shift + f6). Hope it helps you a lot. . . make programming fun! enjoy coding.

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thank you for helping i need to know 10-top most companies and their functionality with slides?

hi..thank you!coz i got a guide to connect my system to a database the way,my unit had only netbeans of 6.5 and it could not connect to doesn't really fit to the 6.5??help me please.thaNKS!!!

Can I use these configurations in Eclipse? or any additional confiration are required?

i need a guide for my ass. for student information system, can u help me...tnx

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

just email me your questions or post it here..:-)

can u help me for my project....? its about student information system in c++ that can add,update,delete and view...its about 50 student w/ Fname,Lname,Age.Studentid,Gender,phoneno.,address,parents name,...!!plzzzz help me.... just send it to my email [email protected] thank you very much..!!! merry xmas..!!!

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

hello can u show me the codes of edit, delete, add, apply for my project in hospital management system in the billing section? plz!!!!!!!!!!! tnx

i am very excited with this application by having a look on the source code but in trying to compile the Main class by it giving me 6 errors.what can i do???please tell me

can you help me with my project in database? it is about visual basic. we are instructed to do a program about a simple student information system and it is served as our final project . .would you mind if you will send the codes together with the design on my e-mail today? please .... :(( this is my e- mail. [email protected] . thnks. !hope you would have a response. thanks! more power!


can u explain the bfre thing tat s db source name

Student Enrollment File code (NetBeans)

i need a guide for my assignment. for student information system, can u help me...tnx

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