i dont know if is possible...I need a paricular query

Submitted by sal21 on
Note: i use a tipical ADO Jet conn with source c:\my_database.mdb and table is named Table1. code of my conn: Private Sub DBOpenCreate() Set CN = New ADODB.Connection CN.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\my_database.mdb;" End Sub ... in a field DATE of Table1 have a date value similar 27/08/2006, 25/10/2009, 18/10/2009, 11/10/2009, 05/04/2009,... ecc note: all dates are a sunday is possible to controll, if based the start date 01/01/2000, all sunday date are stored into the field DATE. if one or more sunday date not are present into Table1 store that in a table named LOST_DATE the sunday date not found in DATE filed of Table1. Naturally the last sunday for controll is the last sunday date when start the query in this case 25/10/2009. I hope im be clear:-)