this is my coding for the search button where actually i want all the details for the searched staff will be display
- Try
- sql = "SELECT * FROM Staff WHERE staff_ic = '" & sticnumbertxt2.Text & "'"
- con.Open()
- Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
- Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
- cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, con)
- dr = cmd.ExecuteReader
- While dr.Read()
- stnametxt2.Text = dr("staff_name")
- staddresstxt2.Text = dr("staff_address")
- stpostcodetxt2.Text = dr("staff_postcode")
- ststatetxt2.Text = dr("staff_state")
- stcontacttxt2.Text = dr("staff_contact")
- stphonetxt2.Text = dr("staff_phone")
- staffid.Text = dr("staff_id")
- staffPictureBox2.Image = dr("staff_image")
- End While
- Catch ex As Exception
- MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)
- End Try
- con.Close()
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