Can some one help please? I downloaded Personal Management Record Sysytem and install it on my machine. if i login in the admin and user page it displayed the following error:
- if ($count1 == 1){
- session_start();
- $_SESSION['id']=$row1['User_id'];
- $_SESSION['User_Type']=$row1['User_Type'];
- $type=$row1['User_Type'];
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO history (data,action,date,user)VALUES('$f $l', 'Login', NOW(),'$type')")or die(mysql_error());
- header('location:home_user.php');
- }
- if ($count > 0){
- session_start();
- $_SESSION['id']=$row['User_id'];
- $_SESSION['User_Type']=$row['User_Type'];
- $type=$row['User_Type'];
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO history (data,action,date,user)VALUES('$f $l', 'Login', NOW(),'$type')")or die(mysql_error());
- header('location:home.php');
- }else{
- ?>
- <div class="alert alert-error">
- <button class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
- Please check your UserName and Password
- </div>
- <?php }
- }
- ?>
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