Simple Barcode Integration System Using PHP and MySQL

Users can input item using barcode or using manual input..The goal of this simple system is to calculate item prices using barcode display the price and item code width the use of barcode scanner.. You can also improve this system.. to run the system..just copy the folder named db1 to C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.30\data. paste the db1 folder inside the data folder

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Very thank you so much dear.very usefully script........again thanx.

Hi i had a doubt in barcode scanner pls can u help me out to sove this.Its a bit urgent one

It might be late now to reply to your question, but someone elso may need this barcode scanner integration tutorial in php too. It is a guide for USB barcode scanner and scanning wand. And it teaches how to integrate hand held barcode scanners with other applications as automation, input and verification devices. You may take a look. Hope this still helps.

Hi, I am using MAMP and not able to find the location. Could you refine this tutorial by adding an SQL file instead pasting db file into mysql/data folder ?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hi.. Import the database to phpmyadmin using these procedures: 1. create database on phpmyadmin,use the database name of the file. 2. Import the file to phymyadmin.

That does not work! phpmyadmin will only accept .sql files for my MySQL database, not MVI, MVD, or FRM files.

sir I can insert and search the product information when input by a user. But how the Barcode will search the id of a product since in search.php the barcode file is not being included also in any of the file the barcode file is included so how it will search with a barcode machine. kindly help Thank You

Hi, I have bluetooth scanner which works fine when I use USB but nothing happens when I switch to bluetooth mode. Any ideas ? Thanks.

Could you please include the database as well? I downloaded it and noticed there was no database included. That's going to help me a lot. Thank you

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