Employee Management System Using PHP

Project Title: Employee Management System The Employee Management System with Source Code is a PHP project that can make your employer work convenient and easy to manage all the employees within the company. This simple project was developed using these: PHP,  MySQLi, CSS and Javascript. This system is useful when it comes to big companies that has a lot of employees, it could help you organize and maintain their respective role. The system is consist of two users: The admin and the user, the admin role is to monitor and manage all the employees detail information while the users can submit their finish project and apply an application for leave.  

Employee Management System Using PHP Features:


  • Home Section For the home page you will see the list of all the employees such as Seq, EMP ID, Name and Point. You can also reset point of your employees when you click the reset button.
  • Add Employee Section From here you add or create new employee.
  • View Employee Section From here you view the list of all available employee. You are also allowed to update and delete the current employee.
  • Assign Project Section In these section you can set a project for each employee. You need to enter their Employee ID, Project name and Date.
  • Project Status Section From here you can check or view whether the project is nearly to its deadline. You can also place a mark ranging from 1 - 5.
  • Salary Table Section In here you see the total salary of an employee such as Base Salary, Bonus and Total Salary.
  • Employee Leave Section From here you will see the employees application leave request where you can approve or canceled.

User Menu

  • Home Section For the home page you can see the complete information of an individual employee, such as Seq, EMP ID, Name, Point, Project Status, Salary, and Leave status.
  • My Profile Section From here the employee is allowed to update the personal information or changing their login password.
  • My Projects Section From here the employee can see the status of their projects. They can all click the submit if they already finish the project.
  • Apply Leave Section From here the employee can apply an application for leave, they need to enter some necessary detail such as Reason, Start Date and End Date.

Employee Management System Installation:

  1. Extract the zip file inside the htdocs folder.
  2. Open phpMyAdmin
  3. Create a database called “ems”.
  4. Import the file named “ems.sql” inside the “db” folder.
  5. Click "Go"
  6. Open a web browser
  7. Enter "http://localhost/Employee%20Management%20System/index.html"

Login Information:


username: admin password: admin The Employee Management System is ready to be downloaded, just kindly click download button below. I hope that this system can help you to what you are looking for. For more updates and tutorials just kindly visit this site. Enjoy Coding!! Looking for free PHP Sourcecode? More Sourcecode for: Employee Management System

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


Sir mujhe employee management system Ka project lena tha User module 1.login 2.attdance 3.daily work sheet 4.all work report listing Admin 1. Employee add 2.Employee attdance list 3.Empolyee daily work asgin Whatsapp- 6200086077

What are the login information for employee???

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