Simple Coffee Shop Business

Hi my name is Geoff Embuscado, a 2nd year BSIT student at Jose Rizal University and Im new to Sourcecodester and I want to contribute this JAVA APPLICATION project I made in JAVA APPLET subject. This is just a simple JAVA GUI Application I made using NetBeans. This is only a simple SWING GUI application. MABUHAY FILIPINO PROGRAMMER~!

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Simple Coffee Shop Bussiness using 2008

thanks it's great projects & i happy 4 that

nice try but..are those dynamic menu(the coffees)?

i am working for Chic boy point of sale can yuo help me modifying it... i am using vb 6.0

When trying to compile the project I get an error saying selection does contain a main type, is there something I am doing wrong or is there a missing class?

Hi Geoff, I am 1st year and really new in programming and I have a project to do simple POS using Java in Jcreator.. would it be ok to you to share your code so I could have some reference, I don't need the GUI just the source code..

sir we want simle java coading with jdbc connectivy for departmental store billing system

Thanks to this project. Thanks a lot :D

Great program. Cant wait to try it out.

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