Advanced Pharmacy/Chemist POS and Invoicing System

Pharmacy POS /Chemist Management System advance allows User to sell medicine/product, Over the counter or at any Hospital or chemist, Easily Integrated with Email to SEND invoices and Print Receipt.


1. Point of Sale (POS) and Invoicing 2. Transaction Management 3. Different methods of Payments 4. Email Integration 5. Transaction Reversal 6. Customer Balances 7. Purchase Management 8. Medicine Management 9. Admin/sells management 10. Report with analysis 11. Mysql Database

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Some of the files are missing and due to that the project won't run!

in layout folder frmMain.vb is missing, in manage folder manage_order_list.vb is missing in menu folder sub_menu_dashboard.vb is missing in others folder grf_sales_chart.vb and grf_sales_chart_summary.vb are missing in register register_new_medicine.vb is missing most modules are missing e.g. app which generates almost 100 errors, modCS, modOrderlist AND modReceipt are also missing. Also database files are missing if am not wrong. Kindly upload all filles or share with my on my email to check full functions of your project. i will be greatiful to learn from it

please ca you help me with the complete code for this work, there are some missing components sir. please send to I appreciate in anticipation. rjt

please ca you help me with the complete code for this work,

please, I want the full source code of this project, this is my email address:

please ca you help me with the complete code for this work, there are some missing components sir. please send to

This POS system was payed for by my company. The sender who sent this here is a fraudster. He did half job which has been totally useless for our company,even though we payed all the money he asked and extra. When we complained about the functionality of the POS system, He became unreachable afterwards. What baffles me is the gut he has to even use the company's details verbatim. You will surely face the consequences of your actions wherever you are Francis. Sourcecodester, you had better be careful of who you accept codes you dont tarnish your own reputation

In reply to by UmmRumaysah (not verified)

@UmmRumaysah, Can you please provide proof of payment? So I can remove this user from the system. Thank you

please ca you help me with the complete code for this work, there are some missing components sir. please send to I appreciate in anticipation.

Hi Developer: Frm_Main.vb manage_order_list.vb sub_menu_dashboard.vb grf_sales_chart.vb grf_sales_chart_summary.vb register_new_medicine.vb and some files are missing.\ can you please send the full working code to please thanks, Rinco

Hi Developer: app.vb Frm_Main.vb manage_order_list.vb sub_menu_dashboard.vb grf_sales_chart.vb grf_sales_chart_summary.vb register_new_medicine.vb and some files are missing.\ can you please send the full working code to please thanks, Santosh

Hi Developer: app.vb Frm_Main.vb manage_order_list.vb sub_menu_dashboard.vb grf_sales_chart.vb grf_sales_chart_summary.vb register_new_medicine.vb and some files are missing.\ can you please send the full working code to please


Great job you have done there. Can you pls share with the me the full project on as some of the key files are missing.


Thanks in anticipation.


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