Motor Dealer Catalog App

Motor Dealer Catalog app. User interface (Front-end): HTML, CSS & JavaScript. Logical part / Database (Back-end): PHP & MySQL. Features:  Data consistency Easy to interact Easy to upload data and delete Easy to enter new data Easy record keeping Backup data can be easily generated Software: Xampp or Easy PHP Installation steps (configuration) 1. Unzip file on your local system 2. Put this file inside Xampp/htdocs/ 3. Database configuration open phpMyAdmin 4. Check if Apache and MySQL are running well on the Xampp control panel or configured to auto start 5. Create a database named motor_vehicle_dealer 6. Import database motor_vehicle_dealer found in an unzipped file 7. Open the file, open the model folder open the database file with code editor like notepad and change the username and password based on your MySQL database system if no password live it empty and save it. e.g. $username = 'root'; $password = ' '; 9. Open your browser put inside browser url: http://localhost/ Comments are welcomed.

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


Hi, I am using wamp server Even if i follow all the steps correctly given, it still says unable to connect even if the username and password are correct in the database.php file. Please help

Test it with another file you used work on it and then copy and put your login details for the DB.

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