Project on a Computer Remote

By using TV remote we can control TV easily.Such as we can move one channel to another channel,stop TV and so on easily.Project on a Computer Remote is made by me. By using this project we can control our computer/laptop easily like TV remote.Such as: 1).we can go any drive easily. 2).we can shut down and re-start our computer/laptop easily. 3).we can shut down and re-start our computer/laptop on a specific time easily. 4).we can get present date and time easily and so on. I have made this project using netbeans7.4 test in windows. If you face any problem in this project code please inform me by comment i will try to help you.

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i think the title is more better if "the shortcut button with java". because its for local computer not remoted, and no feature for remote setting. thanks. batostum bekasi hacker indonesia

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