Hospital ERP System Using VB .NET

This Project written in VB.NET as front end and SQL Server 2008 r2 as Back end.
Main Features are:

  1. General :
    1. General Settings
    2. OP Settings Master
    3. General Vouchers
  2. Patient Information:
    1. Patient Registration
    2. Patient Info Sheet
    3. Patient Deposit Register
  3. Outpatient Department :
    1. OP Register
    2. Discharge Register
    3. Follow up visit register
    4. Patient Diagnostics Details
    5. Doctors Comments and Recommendations
    6. Patients Prescription Details
    7. Patient Transactions
    8. Patient Transaction Utility
    9. Medical Record Management
  4. Inpatient Department :
    1. Inpatient Registration
  5. Masters :
    1. Service Master
    2. Account Head Register
    3. Expense Master
    4. Diagnostics Master
    5. Investigation Master
    6. Doctor Specialization Master
    7. Resource Master
  6. Appointments :
    1. Appointments
    2. Appointment Visit Register
  7. Administration :
    1. Company Profile Settings
    2. Branch Profile Settings
    3. User Rights Assignment
    4. Prescription Template Master
    5. Expense Charge Setting
  8. Employee Information:
    1. Employee Registration
    2. Employee Account Master
    3. Employee Account Transaction
    4. Bank Master
    5. Bank Account Register
    6. Bank Account Transaction
    7. Employee Designation Master
    8. Employee Shift Master
    9. User Maintenance
    10. Employee Attendance Register
  9. Doctor Details :
    1. Doctor Master
    2. Doctors Duty Time Registration
    3. Doctor Leave Register
    4. Refer In Doctor Master
  10. Insurance Section :
    1. Insurance Master
    2. Insurance Claim
  11. Reports :
    1. Doctor Details
    2. Specializations
    3. Services Available
    4. Diagnostics Details
    5. Account Master Details
    6. Expense Master Details
    7. Expense Charge Details
    8. Patient Bill Register
    9. Employee Details
    10. Doctor Duty Timing
    11. Doctors Leave Register
    12. Patient Bill Summary
    13. Patient Information
    14. General Category
    15. Patient Diagnostics Details
    16. Inpatient Registration
    17. Patient Wise Pending Bills
    18. OP Registration
    19. Doctor Wise Collection
    20. Doctor Wise Collection Detailed
  12. Accounting Reports :
    1. Receipt Subsidiary
    2. Payment Subsidiary
    3. Bank Account Ledger
    4. Employee Account Ledger
    5. Investment Bank Outstanding
    6. Employee Account Outstanding
    7. Patient Deposit Ledger
    8. Patient Discharge Details
    9. General Ledger
    10. Daybook
    11. Receipts and Disbursements
  13. Please don't forget to give credit to original developer because I really worked hard to develop this project and please don't forget to like and share it if you found it useful :)

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i need the database pliss send to me

please, no database attached. Thanks. Email

Dear Friend, Please add database or sent me here akberalwani at

Thanks for sharing but you didn't include full project (database, bl, common, dal, dbc.) Best regards,

please, no database attached. Thanks. Email

Please check database backup folder....there are many projects in one solution for this project let me know if u still face the problem thanks

Thank u ssso much...Your codes have been very much helpful to me...In thin project it says HMS Reference unavailable....please help...

i need the database pliss send to me:

Thanks for sharing but you didn't include full project (database, bl, common, dal, dbc & Reports.) Please share me on Best regards,

Hi how can i get full source code? Files bl, common, dal, dbc & Reports are not included please send me on y eMail address :

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