Transportation System For Online Using ASP.NET

This Project was Developed By Online Team Of Technology in Somali Student which is SIMAD UNIVERSITY this can be used only for Education purpose --------------------- It will Be to Module ===== Admin module Username: hani Password: 123 ======== User Module Username: nasri Password: 123 Extract Website Firs Using Winrar,ZIP First Attach The Website in the Visual Studio 1- Go File Menue 2- Open Web Site 3- Select The Folder Of the Website which is Called Online PIL System You Must Change the Data Source : 1- Go Edit Menue While you open your Website 2- Find and Replace 3- Replace in Files The Dialog Will Open 1- Find what : enter HASHI\SQLEXPRESS 2- Replace with Copy your SQL server Name or . or (local) or samething like Name Server\SQLEXPRESS 3 Replace All The Project will work Any Help Can tact me Email : Tell: 00252615586693

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sxb waa system fiican thanks lkn wax baa ka qaldan

plz send me this project as soon as possible..

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