Social Networking Website

some features 1.home page desgin like facebook 1.1:post status 1.2:upload Photo with description of photo 1.3:subcomment for your post by other users 1.4:simley icons in comments section 1.5 post comment in any language(ie:Nepali,English,Hindi etc) 1.6:rating system 1.7:Time in ago Format ie 2 sec ago 1.8:photo comment 1.9:Fetch youtube video through url 1.10:Notification system by ball bouncing 1:11 clickable link extraction 2:private Message System 3.10:Friend request system 4.11:group chat 5.profile update 6.change profile photo and coverphoto 7.facebook like search 8.Responsive Design

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Dear Mr. Karki, Thanks for sharing your code. I have a question regarding the connection to localhost. I set up the data base socialweb_ranjit.sql through the config.php file. But I have no access. There seems to be a mistake. I've been all morning trying to decipher the code to see if there is an error connection. You would be so kind to give me a clue to the connection of the database. Thanks in advance Regards,

Dear Mr. Karki, Thanks for sharing your code. I have a question regarding the connection to localhost. I set up the data base socialweb_ranjit.sql through the config.php file. But I have no access. There seems to be a mistake. I've been all morning trying to decipher the code to see if there is an error connection. You would be so kind to give me a clue to the connection of the database. Thanks in advance

I think you forget to make a database namesocialweb_ranjit.sqlon mysql database make a connection like this in config.php file NOTE l.localhost:is host name 2.root:username,if you have no other username 3."":if you have no database password

Project not login please help me..............

i have had so many problems, by the time i fixed them i might of been able to do this from scratch.

hi i just want to know if what software did u used for this website.

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