Voting System using PHP

This Program is created for school election using php...for more info: (email me at

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Just want to ask how to run the program.... can't make it.... please send us the procedures... thanks...

i believe this is another good sample program....but please tell us how to run the program...i cant make it also. thank you!!!!more power

sir, may i know the password of your voting system for me to have a guide in doing my thesis.....plsssssss... hope you can help me..

hello think am interesting with some of ur codes, am a final year student working on my project to hand in soon. i am designing a hotel reservation systems, can u please help me with the codes using php, javascript and msql. my email is thanks very much.

hi sir, please can u help with the password to ecript the codes on the voting_system, as it is difficult to download. thankx

hello sir.. your program is very interesting... but i found some errors on it... sir, may i know how to solve this? "Notice: Undefined index: SkipConnectMySQL" thank you for sharing..

thanks , our program is very interesting....

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I would like to use your application in our school, please give me the password to access it. You may send it to my yahoo

I would like to use your application in our school, please give me the password to access it. You may send it to my yahoo account:

Sir Im very interesting with ur program..hope we had a time to meet to discuss about ur system..coz This is exactly what our thesis is..actually we are seeking for php programmer for our voting system in rush hour..very urgent..if u are intersted u can email thnx.. ur system is excellent

Thanks for the interesting code and system please email the username and password i want to use it as my finial project thank u very much. email

sir, please mail me the username and password.......... i want to use this as my project. thankyou. my mail id is :

Hello Sir, This is a great system that we can use for our school. I would really appreciate it if you would allow me to use this for the school elections. Kindly email me the username and password. My email is Thank you. James

sir i would like to study his project kindly send me the details as well as how it can be run on our system

..Gud evning Sir. I'm doing our thesis program this couple of time until october 20, 2011.... Sir, i would like to asked some code from you....that badly needed in my program. Sir, i need your help........... Please send me your code on how to make vote page.....this is my email addd:

Those hu r interested of my voting system...d user & password on d admin account is (admin)...In d voting section, u can only log in or vote those students hu r oldredy register 2 vote...

sir i'm interested in studying this system as i will make my own for my final year in college

Please send me user name & emailid is

Can you give me a sample of Computerized Elecction System so that i have an idea about this system... ..PLZ HELP ME.. TNX..

Good day sir, My team were currently doing our capstone project..and were only given one semester for this project.. Sir, i would like to asked some code from you....specifically on how to count the votes. Sir, we really need your help......your sample program will be a great help to us...this is my email address: GOD BLESS

Thank you sir for making this program available... it really helped us on making our capstone project... more power...

I need the username and password to access this project immed..this is my mail id plz send a mail waiting for your response.

In reply to by kalaipriya (not verified)

priya, did you get your user name? let me know i can send it to you.

Pls i really need ur help to send me the corrected version of this e-voting prog b/c i am havng problem with login. thks my email is

can u tell me the username and password because i cannot login.

what is the username and password.tq. this is my email id

sir when i try to run ur system in admin panel it says that it has an error in login can u please fix thanks in advance

sir plz mail me

Sir, i am having problems when i try to log in.It gives me this notice "Undefined index: SkipConnectMySQL" kindly help me to correct this error email is, thank u.

please help me to get source code of php voting system..!

we need some help to our capstone thesis . i hope there's a person who have a kind heart to help us. :) you can contact me at this number: 09169250675

pls send voter id system code using php

plz sir tell me. how can download this project

I have scout for a system to enable me complete a voting program that will include a bar chart and percentage representation of voting. This is likely to answer my questions. Can you give me a detail to run your project. Thanks. email:

this is an amazingly syatem

Sir, please can i kindly get the full source code, my email is Thanks much

sir im very appreciate your programm but i need your full code to how to run my thesis i just want to say if how to voting sytem is additional score for who want you to vote thank you sir i need your help please understand my grammar this my facebook ansari adam please txt me the source code thank you sir take care always

Please Can you send this for my project Thanks

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