Driving Licence Management System

Hi this is the driving licence management system software, according to Nepal Licence keeping system.It does not have full feature,it run under minor project of the college student...that i share you...

This might be helpful for you, ....Thanks.



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I like it , please keep posting.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

what is password and username?

your work is great keep it up

HEYY....can ny1 help me because i m nt able to do it....car parking system in vb.net .....as soon as posible

wonder fool kdk

This is off the hook ..can u please send me a documentation of your application to ma email (mthunzi.lovemore@yahoo.com) please man i love it.

you can find project documentation in website search in google with driving licence system.It is uploaded in sharing website.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

its so good

Post me a forms which were used in this project. i am working in visual basic. i also need help on how to make project.exe file with out using file--> make project.exe..... do as soon as possible... because i have to submit project till 31st dec.... please help me out of it.......

Can u please send me a documentation of your application to ma email (rchrdrjn@gmail.com) please man i love it.

U simply work great.... thanks a lot...!!

It's a Nice App really... I think we can improve on it by adding Image capture and retrieval from database.. Can't we? I'm currently working on it!

hi thank you very mach i like your talent keep it up can i ask u one thing can i edit the code please tell me the way do you have budget management system in php with its database please send for my thanks

Please send me the documentation of this project, this will help me to learn my course of software engineering

Thank you very much for project

its good

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