VB.Net Calculator
Submitted by elimar_adame@y… on Monday, September 14, 2009 - 11:28.
Simple VB.Net Calculator. Hope this simple calculator will help you guys who are beginner in visual basic 2005.
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For the calculator code.
Thank you for the code dude. i am a new to programming in vb.net. my i know your email id .send it to [email protected] for your reply dude.Take care.
reall need it
can any one help me design and code in visual basic
for the calculator in windows seven
help me pls for computing a number that the remainder will not include in solving... example 24964/97=257.360824..... instead of 257.360824... it get only the whole number. 24964/97=257*97=24929.. 24964-24929=35.. thanks a lot.
Just use integer data type
Just use integer data type and it will automatically round off to the nearest number.
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