Student Information in Visual FoxPro
Submitted by cidfrey on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - 23:39.
This is a simple Student Information program written in Visual FoxPro 6.0 This will show how to connect the form from Visual FoxPro to its built-in database ^_^
Enjoy coding @_@
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sir is it okay if i use
sir is it okay if i use foxpro 9.0 in the codes that i have been downloaded?
hello po...
un pong na upload na Stud Info using Foxpro eh d po ma open z wala naman po ung pjx file extensio para ma open ung project... hindi po kaya baka d masiadong na upload ung program... paki double check lang po... Tnx
I Nid help .. i nid to make inventory system 4 MIS department could you pls help me
^_^ sir...
Ahn can you create a simple program that you will use a do case statement ... please Thx in advanced... !
hello sir..
can you send the codes on my e-mail..
i can't see them..
are they've been hide..?
here's my e-mail [email protected]
need urgent.. tnx..
pa-send naman ng sample
pa-send naman ng sample program nitong student information together with the databases and the report format, dito na lang sa email add [email protected] thanks po!
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