Personalized Themes like Office 2007, Xp Style, Royale and Vista

Use personalized themes like Office 2007, Xp Style, Royale and Vista. I use Codejock.SkinFramework.v13.0.0.ocx to change widows themes. Modify the codes if you want. I uploaded this codes just testing purposed only. Contact me if you want the Complete sample Programs that i made in my work.

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


where can i get Codejock.SkinFramework.v13.0.0.ocx?, i just want to test it to my own apps, thnx in adavnce

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

i attached the ocx in the folder.

how can i use it in thanx

sir, how can i use that skin in i imported that skinframework but i don't know how to type a code in any reply would highly apreciated. thanks

How can I use this in

Do you know what happen? Thanks for your development it is very useful and excellent. I was long time looking for something like you project, because the method by file .manifest sometime doesn't work correctly with VB6. Now, I need your help about the images in VB6 toolbar using your project I can't see the images :(

i want the Complete sample Programs that you made .please send email to

Can you suggest some more ocx or ctl files for making vb form more attractive!!

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