LAN Based Entrance Examination Using PHP/MySQL

Hi everyone, I upload this code to help everybody that encountered difficulties in creation of their own lan based entrance examination. The feature of this code is it has a timer, wherein the student are allowed to take quiz in a certain duration of time. it has also a facilitator page wherein his function is to set the time duration of the exam. It has also an admin page where the admin can manage all, including add course, add question edit account and etc.. Download this code to see the unlisted feature behind the LAN Based Entrance Examination. admin user name:admin admin password: admin database name:bcc both sql and php file are included in the zip file attach

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cannot login into examinee..

Edit the codes! To make successful

may we know the contact number of sir jam. We need his expertise in PHP SQL......thanks

Will you please help me . I dont know how to turn turn the code dropdown into radio button. please help. #argie. '; $qid=$row['qid']; echo ''; echo '

'; } ?>

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