Online Hotel Reservation System V 2.0
Submitted by argie on Thursday, February 9, 2012 - 13:50.
In this code you will learn on how to create an online hotel reservation system using php. you will also learn on how to create an input validation using javascrpit. you will also lear on how to create online payment using paypal. this is the version 2.0 of my online reservation system version 1.0, to view the version 1.0 of this system click here. to see also the working demo of this system click here. to view the admin page of this system, just add this in your url "/admin_index.php".
database name:argie_tamera
admin username:admin
admin password:admin
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OHRS online-hotel-reservation-system
please send me an uncorrupted thumb file of marias pizza system to
Encountered some problems
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\tamera\home_admin.php on line 101
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\tamera\reports.php on line 100
How do i rectify this?
Sorry guys. i have solved the problem
I have solved the problem concerning my previous post.
Anyways thanks for trying.
download ppt&doc
tameraplazainn in ppt and dco not avilable how to process my project submit to last day runing in date 2/4/2012
paypal problems
Hey argie,
I am having some problems with your system's pay pal account.
I downloaded your system, installed it into my server and its working but the only problem is in the admin area under the monitor reservation tab.
Under this tab, it does not display guest reservation details and thus I cant check a guest out.
When I enter into the admin area of your online site, its displayed.
How can I configure mine so that the payment notification is updated?
same paypal problems
I have the same problem just like what stated by mr. anonymous..
the showconfirm.php file is not included in your source code can u pls.
give us the php argie....pls...
After Paypal checkout then showconfirm.php not included in the system,kindly plzsendthe phpfile
Source Code.
hey Argie. I hope you can send to me the source code.
by the way. what application you are using ?
my email >>
Need Library System with Barrowing and Returning + OPAC
hey argie i am hoping you can give me a Library Returning and Borriwing System with OPAC? without errors?
here is my email.
Plzz help me the Master
I am having some problems with your system's pay pal account.
I downloaded your system, installed it into my server and its working but the only problem is in the admin area under the monitor reservation tab.
Under this tab, it does not display guest reservation details and thus I cant check a guest out.
When I enter into the admin area of your online site, its displayed.
How can I configure mine so that the payment notification is updated?
Help me please with an SMS code
I want to create a system that will send a text message from a website in php
database problem
hello ate argie can u send me the database thank you!heres my email add
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