Login System in Netbeans Using SQL Database
Submitted by Josphatwa on Friday, July 5, 2013 - 20:54.
For database connectivity just create a class open the project in netbeans and go to sql.java and change on the host the username and password of your server
Then in the zipped folder unzip and restore the database to your server
After that you can run the .jar in the dist folder. For queries just comment here.
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JAVA new leaner
im a vb developer and new to this java platform, can you assist me with a java sample application that connects to a MS Sql Server Database, and perform these functions: insert new records, update, delete and search.
your assistence is greatly appreciated.
java sample application that connects to a MS Sql Server Databa
Have a look at this http://www.sourcecodester.com/java/6066/adddeleteinsertupdate-java-netbeans-and-sql-database-program.html
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i cant seem to connect my new
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problem in connection
i have a problem in import import net.proteanit.sql.DbUtils;
il doesn't detect the net package
can some body help me please!!
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