Splash Screen

A small program to create a splash screen . Here i used a thread it will sleep a given time . It will exit automalicaly after time .Here you can use an immage and text for the splash .It will not support High level . becoz the process .....

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hello sir, it seems that your good in java.. so i just want to ask some things related on it.. right now i am doing my thesis, and in my program in need to pass the value of a given variable form one form to another.. I have classA and classB I try to place this code in my classA. ClassB main = new ClassB(); main.txtEStudNo.setText(txtStudNo.getText().toString()); and try to access thevalue insde the txtStudNo.. but i always got null value.. If you have an idea on how can i fix this stuff, kindly post it.. your help is highly appreciated. thanks a lot.

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