C# MYSQL Point Of Sale Software

Hi all, I'v created this for a computer sales center. check this out and if have any errors, inclinations please leave heare.., janaka.attanayaka@gmail.com. thank you, Have fun...! database : Sales Login UserNAme: AdminJIK Password : 1234 Copy 'POS' folder to "C:\Program Files\" and add 6 wallpapers and Rename it as 'POS (1).jpg' ,'POS (2).jpg'.... 'POS (6).jpg'.

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Nice working yar... but occurs error when login, "Mysql.data v6.....error" same. try to fix error or give some tip

Add SQL file to your Database(sales) then it's will work....

Thats it man kp it up ...help on how you can design and develop a system that scans a picture, compares it to any similar and give the feedback in terms of percentage in similarities

Dont work on VS 2012, all design form give only error.
i change framework to 4.5 and on resources missing pictures.

Please up-to-date you`r sourcecode to visual studio 2012

Please tell me witch server management you used to build database,i can not attach database POS.mdf to SQL Server 2005 or 2008

why if i login theres an error on application.run(new login());

Good work janaka attanayaka for using C# MYSQL Point Of Sale Software. I will give a thanks for this great job. Read More : http://multipost.ca/

sir i could not attach it please send me it my mail please sir whole project na_mit@live.com

Please help me, I found this error The referenced component 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine' could not be found.

anyone help how i want open this file because dont work on VS 2005

Thank you for providing this.

nice effort my dear keep it up

Stay blessed, Great Work Keep it up!

Error 117 Invalid Resx file. Could not find file 'D:\umer\HCHProject\3\New POS\Resources\B.jpg'. Line 132, position 5. D:\umer\HCHProject\3\New POS\Properties\Resources.resx 132 5 New POS Error 4 Custom tool error: Failed to generate code. Failed to generate code. Exception of type 'System.Data.Design.InternalException' was thrown. Exception of type 'System.Data.Design.InternalException' was thrown. D:\umer\HCHProject\3\New POS\DataSet2.xsd 1 1 New POS

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