Make Barcode with
Submitted by Bibo2030 on Monday, May 28, 2012 - 04:22.
Knows create and print barcode labels program
Need to develop data that does not appear when you preview barcode printing
printers, such as Zebra printers, specifying the number of stickers and controlling the dimensions of the barcode label and also for printing on A4 paper in the form of rows and columns with control of the dimensions of the barcode and control the separations between the rows and columns of the barcode This is designed
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The advanced version of the…
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Translating what he is commenting...
hey...i have found a way to translate what he has written in arabic...just use this copy the ones that you find in arabic letters and paste it...then click translate....
hope it using it right now and im slowly getting the flow of this codes....
New source code
I am currently developing this program and soon the upload source code of the new program and I will translate it to english
studio 2010
ı downloaded but ı cannot see the codes. ı am trying to open the solution in visual studio 2010. but ı couldnt. it is very emergent.
barcode reader
i cant understand urdu if u dont mine i need the barcode reader its vry urgent can u send the code to my gmail if it is possible [email protected]
code for barcode scanning process
Hi friend,
Thanks for uploading the code for make barcode.Can you please upload the code for barcode Scanning process.
Thank you for the comments
Thank you for the comments and promise to soon be a full system to print and read barcode labels open source
Tutorial For Building Billing using Barcode
Hey !!! thanx for the source code :-) can you please tell me where can i find the step by step tutorial of building the billing form using barcode scanner ? :-O
Tutorial For Building Billing using Barcode
hey!! thanx for the source code :-) m new here so i was looking for step by step tutorial for building billing form with the help of barcode scanner ? :-O
Barcode Generation wit VB.NET
Hi, are you looking for a tutorial of generating barcode images in VB.NET? Sample VB code is also provided.
what type of this barcode
I'm little bit confused. What types of barcode does this code generate? I googled Barcode for VB.NET, saying there are different types for that, ie different codes are needed?
code for GS1 databar extended
I need your help. I tried your code and it worked perfectly all right. Thanx a lot. My requirement now is that I want to print barcodes in GS1 Databar extended. Please guide me how to do this.
Israr A Kazi
GS1 databar expanded printing
I used your code and it worked perfectly OK. Thanx. I now want to print barcode in GS1 Databar Expanded format. Please guide me how to do this.
israr a kazi
Superb... Make Barcode with
Dear Bibo2030... it works fine...ُExcelled.... Thanks a lot bro...
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