Backup and Restore SQL using 2008/2010

Hi this is program make a 2008 to back up and restore SQL server

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can this program backup\restore some like store procedure....

can u help me how to backup and restore in vb6?, i got an error in my code "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed" if i remove the "Conn.Close" i got an error again "Run-time Error '70' Permission Denied" pls help me.. here is my email [email protected],just pm me, tnx here is my code: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Source, Destination As String Conn.Close Source = App.Path & "\login.mdb" Destination = App.Path & "\Backup\" & Format(Date, "mmmm dd, yyyy") & " " & Format(Time, "h_mm_ss") & ".mdb" FileCopy Source, Destination MsgBox " Backup!", vbInformation, "" Conn.Open End Sub

Please I would like to have a version of OLEDB code of this backup and restore function of this code. since I am using Access database. accdb. thank you

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