Simple Online Bidding System

This Online Bidding system is a project for the fulfillment of our subject Evaluation of Business Process. The Purpose of this System is to have a simple bidding transactions online. And for the Administrator to determine the bidders and bidding amounts, also to post products for the users to bid.

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could you develop web for advertise product look like this link and post source code to share me. because I'm just a beginner at web development. thank you in advance!!!

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yes i have a code this type of website . If u want than contact me on this email I have also many more ready made php projects

nyz program.. can we i have an access in your admin.. to clearly run the program..

In reply to by crizpot (not verified)

hello, .The username and password for administrator is in the instructions.txt if you downloaded the file. Goodday.

when i access your administrator page, i have problem. i cann't login , and i have error message " Username: Password: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\OBS\administrator\index.php:34) in C:\xampp\htdocs\OBS\administrator\index.php on line 59 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\OBS\administrator\index.php:34) in C:\xampp\htdocs\OBS\administrator\index.php on line 65" can you help me?

Hello there, .are you using XAMPP?? i did a test run using WAMP server but i did not encounter that error, .so maybe this program is compatible only in WAMP cause i never tested it on other servers except WAMP.

when i access your administrator page. I found a question , notif.php never be used. View the source code, it seems has the feature - when the bid has ended,who is the winner? How can I return on this function? Thanks.

Hello. I view the source code found that notif.php in the administrator have a good function. That can show the higestbid bid (who is winner). How can I use this function?

I got online bidding system.I can't understand create database in xampp .please help me.

I have been trying to create some thing like for freelancing platform but can't figure out how can I get started.. Any help will be helpful.. I want to learn the process and scripts...

Why ur zip files have no files? Can i have your system.. so I can follow it.. thanks!

Sir, there seem one file missing... the delete_category.php...

there are files missing for I dont have any time to finished it all. I believe you can always fix that error :)

what should i do to use the web site for new other category (add new like services or any other stuf)

hai , your code is simply superb...but when we r trying to place a bid is prompting dat we have to activate our account first...confused a lot! pls help me to solve the problem! thanq

i got the same confusion can you tell me what you did? is this system worked properly?

you have a video tutorials for this? can you send it to me?? plzz. i want to know about this more. if its okay for you.

registerd thanks thanka thanka

Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in C:\wamp64\www\OnlineBiddingSystem\administrator\index.php on line 35 i am getting this error ..please help me......i am getting the login page but it isnt logging......

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