Online Schedule Inquiry System
Submitted by febe on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 - 15:01.
This Online Schedule Inquiry System is a project for the fulfillment of our subject Evaluation of Business Process. The purpose of this system is for viewing the advance schedule for the teacher, student and room.You can add, delete and update the schedule utilizing php, css and javascript. This system have two user. The admin and the user, the user can only search the schedule of teacher, room and class schedule while the admin has the capability of adding, deleting and edit the schedule.
Username: admin
Username: admin
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Warm Thank You
Thank you very much... You did a great job with this. You helped a lot with our project. The algorithm you used will be very much useful to us. God bless!
to ser febe
ser ung green ang background schedule inquiry but ang daming error na complete ko naman ung database at saka table niya pero ang error is mga undifine index lke this Notice: Undefined index: submit in C:\wamp\www\try\index.php on line 43 and etc.Can u help me ser.from notre dame of midsayap po kami ser at tsaka un ang kailangan namin dito sa school ang online schedule inquiry ser i need ur reply ser febe thanks
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