Creating a Table for Books Acquisition
This tutorial is part of How to Make Library System.
Books Acquisition is where you save the information of a Book. In this tutorial I will explain to you the importance of parent/child form to grand child. Since there could be more than one copyright in a book all we have to do is normalize our table into three separate table called Books, Books Copyright, and Books Accession.
Books table will include fields that the data does not repeat so we can about duplication of record. Books Copyright will separate the copyright year of a book into multiple records. Books Accession will save the control number of a book use for borrowing and returning of books based on the copyright year.
The relationship would be:
One-to-many relationship
[inline:One to Many Relationship.jpg=Table Relationship]In addition to three tables, we will also include Subject table. Books table will have a SubjectID field to lookup for values from subject table. This is also one of the features of a relational database to eliminate data redundancy.
The first thing to do in making a library system is to create a table. Follow the steps provided in the video below.
Books Acquisition Table
Field Name | Type |
BookID | Long Integer |
AccessionNo | Memo |
Title | Text |
Author1LN | Text |
Author1FN | Text |
Author1MI | Text |
Author2LN | Text |
Author2FN | Text |
Author2MI | Text |
Author3LN | Text |
Author3FN | Text |
Author3MI | Text |
SubjectID | Long Integer |
PublisherName | Text |
PlaceofPublication | Text |
CallNum1 | Text |
CallNum2 | Text |
Deleted | Yes/No |
DateEncoded | Date/Time |
Encoder | Text |
Books Copyright Table
Field Name | Type |
IDNo | Long Integer |
BookID | Long Integer |
ItemNo | Long Integer |
CourseID | Long Integer |
CopyrightYear | Text |
DateReceived | Date/Time |
ISBNNumber | Text |
EditionNumber | Text |
PurchasePrice | Currency |
Supplier | Text |
Recommendedby | Text |
BPages | Text |
Deleted | Yes/No |
Encoder | Text |
DateEncoded | Date/Time |
Books Accession
Field Name | Type |
AccID | Long Integer |
AccIDLink | Long Integer |
IDNo | Long Integer |
ItemNo | Long Integer |
AccessionNo | Long Integer |
Copies | Text |
Location | Text |
Source | Text |
Donor | Text |
MR Page | Text |
SubClass1 | Text |
SubClass2 | Text |
SubClass3 | Text |
SubClass4 | Text |
Remarks | Text |
Note | Memo |
Status | Text |
Borrowed | Yes/No |
DateBorrowed | Date/Time |
TimeBorrowed | Date/Time |
Deleted | Yes/No |
DateEncoded | Date/Time |
Encoder | Text |
Subject Table
Field Name | Type |
SubjectID | Long Integer |
Subject | Text |
Type | Text |
Deleted | Yes/No |
Since the purpose of this tutorial is to teach you on how to make a library system in step by step manner take note that only these four tables are added to the Library System.mdb database for the meantime.
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library management system
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