Difference Between Two Dates Solver Version 1.0


About this code I called it Difference of Two Dates Solver Version 1.0 written entirely in C/C++ using Turbo C 2.0 as my development tool. It will take two dates from the user then compute the difference between two dates and it will display the day interval of two dates.

If you find this code useful send me an email at [email protected]. People here in the Philippines can contact me at my mobile phone numbers 09296768375 and 09226034089. Thank you very much and Happy Programming.



Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED - Instructional Technology


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hi!  who can help me in my thesis, please send the codes of enrolment system in my email [email protected].. i need it for my thesis


If i am not wrong, there is also a good solution, use a standar : julian date standard. With this standard, we can count the numbers of day for EVERY date in Julian date from the first date of Julian date (1-1-0001). So, to count the difference of two dates, we just count the first date to the first julian date, count the second date to the first julian date, and count the differences. I used to use the julian date long time ago, in C++.

Wawan Wira

hi, your code help me out. thanks kumar http://planetsourcecode.in

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thank you for appreciating my work. Take care always and God Bless. Regards, Jake :-D

uhmm...... can u give me a program using TC3 payroll system and visual basic enks more power

Thanks a lot...........................

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