Payroll System Using Adodc and Datagrid (EXAMPLE) ^_^

This is my Payroll System way back on my second year hahaha. Hopefully this will give you an idea. For a complete version of this, kindly contact me for a low price. Happy coding ^_^

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Download na mga dudes hahaha

In reply to by cidfrey

Dude i have coded a system call DVD shop in vb,my coding are supported only mysql database i want to decode the coding to mssql database can you help me please i want to submit that before Friday. my email address is [email protected]

wht is the user name and password? me.... 4 this project...

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

just open the mdb file then look for tbluser and change the password and username..haha

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Username: admin Password: 123

Hi Dude, i have coded a cristal report and whant to filter a record which is receved between two given date but when I am running is , it gives error messge " Date time required. please help me.

it easy to know the password open the mdb file then look for the tbl user and change it..heje..

i need the project tracking sheet about your software. this points are included *use case digram ,*software specification ,*Activity digram ,*classs digram ,*sequence digram,*software specification,*Test case documantation,*system prototype,*system development,*test case execution and test report,*about your software so please help me i am a beginner of this IT .so I need your help as I hope to communicate with you and please send your email address.thank you . my email address is [email protected]

hi sir... can u send me a copy of class scheduling system with codes. as my references doing my thesis. hoping for ur response. kindly sent to it in my acct [email protected] . thanks

wow, thanks a lot! i've been looking for this!

can give me this flowchart of your payroll system..

can you give me some codes regarding with payroll system? i really need it..thats our final exam..thank you sir..

i need this on my final exam...can u give the flowchart of this system sir...please...thank you.. this is my email [email protected]... very truly your..

please help me po...kelangan ko lng po ung code nto sa finals...ito po email ko [email protected] po..gbu :)

can you give the codes?? this is my email add [email protected].. thanks!!

Create a payroll system (Maintenance, Payroll Computation and Log In/Out) for ABC company. They have two types of employee: regular and contractual Regular Employees receives bonus monthly(transpo allowance/cash bonus) and have monthly deductions for loans and company funds Contractual Employees are also monitored by the accountant through its Contract End date Both regular and contractual employees have SSS and pag-ibig deductions Specific details for the employee include its Employee No, Last Name, FirstName, MI, Basic Pay, SSS Deduction and Pag-ibig A per day computation is Basic pay / 30 can you pls. help me in this!

can anyone send me a sample of payroll system in vb6? :( i really need it. please.

can i ask user name and password ? pls post it. thanks.

Sir could you send me a complete codes of a enrollment system in visual basic. i really do need to pass it on this week. please :( here's my email [email protected]

hi sir kindly help me for creating an accounting system using vb6.0 with the database MS Access w/ journal entry,general ledger and trial balance. I need to past it on next next week. so me.

Email Account:[email protected]

pde ba mag patulong kung anu mga possible system na pdeng ipropose sa isang Company pllllssss :)

How can I open this program on netbeans? please reply immediately , thank you

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