Advanced Banking System in C++

Hello codesters i’m Joshua once again. It’s been a long tym been busy with my dessertation. So today I want to show u guys how to write a real simulation of a real working Banking System in C++ which I named OutLawz Bank Inc. because am a big 2Pac fanatic. Back to the point now unlike other Bank systems, I wrote this system with an Admin side and the Banker side separately. This system will teach you how to draw some simple 2D shapes and how to make a Progress bar in C++. This system can further accommodate any number of accounts. I commented the codes for easy understanding of the beginners who wish to learn C++. I won’t talk much cause you’ll see errything from the code, executable and database attached here when u run the system [N:B. Don’t forget to Extract before running the system] each side i.e. Admin and Banker side has different roles to play. The admin can perform the following roles. 1. Login with the right admin name and password 2. Create a new account 3. Search for a specific account 4. View all accounts in the database/ file 5. Modify/ Edit a particular account 6. Erase or terminate an account 7. Log out of the system And the Banker can perform the following actions:- 1. Login with the right/ registered account number 2. Read the About us info 3. Deposit money into his/ her account 4. Balance enquiry on a banker’s account 5. Withdraw money from his/ her account 6. Logout of the system if he/ she wishes so As u will see when u run the system and also go thru the code. Login Details 1. Admin name: admin 2. Admin Password: 123

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2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.

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